Monday, January 28, 2002

You know, it's not like it DOESN'T snow here on the coast, it's just that below about 1000 feet the winter tends to be more wet than white. What determines where it will snow is a little thing called the freezing line. If you are above it, you get snow and below it you get rain. So when it pours down here at the 100 meter level, it's usually dumping above us somewhere.

Except yesterday.

Yesterday, the freezing level descended all the way to the beach. And the weather decided to precipitate immensely. The result was nearly a foot of snow in eight hours. We awoke this morning astonished, both at the amount of snow and at the realization that I had left the car at the TOP of our 40 foot, 30 degree driveway. An hour an a half later, after a good workout with the shovel and a couple of kilos of salt. I drove the car down to the bottom of the hill. Cripes.

The snow is beautiful though, and it hangs on the trees like fleece. It completely transforms everything, and a drive across the island to Bluewater for dinner with friends, was like driving through a canyon of white and green spires. Tonight the winds have come around now and a Squamish is rattling around the Sound, sending the wind chills down to -10 degrees.

It was a pretty good weekend, other than the unscheduled endurance workouts. Friends Randy Vic and Andy Hillhouse came over to play a gig at La Mangerie on Friday Night which was a lot of fun, and Randy and I played at the Breakfast Cafe on Saturday. Sarah and Richard, the owners, are crazy for Irish music. They have just opened a brick oven pizza place below called Tuscany. Typical Bowen contradiction.

And another thing I love about Bowen. Only here would you get a message like this one posted to the community electronic bulletin board.

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