Saturday, February 4, 2006

The hurricane landed last night. Well, not quite a hurricane, but still, it was a storm big enough to do some minor damage around the Salish Sea, and indeed, winds of 100-110km/h were recorded in the Georgia Strait. That's the strongest I have ever heard of.

We had power outages on the island, and my friend Patti had to resort to barbecueing her leftover coffee for her morning fix. That's the hardy island spirit!

This morning, Alison phoned to say that the high tide and the swell were combining to turn the Causeway over the lagoon into a spectacular sight. Apparently, the scuppers along the walkway, which ordinarily allow water to drain back to the sea were acting like blowholes every time a wave smacked the seawall. By the time we got down there at noon, the tide had started falling and the waves in Mannion Bay were calmer, but everywhere was gravel and moss, loosened and tossed from cracks and holes, and we even found a small shiner, a marine perch, stranded on the Causeway itself. A storm that throws fish from the ocean is a strong thing indeed.

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