Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tendrils and whisps

An early morning start from Bowen for a full day of work and travel. Off to run a full day Open Space for the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC and then on to Naramata to work with the leadership program of the Federation of Community Services of BC.

A rainy day of warm air and misty tendrils and landscapes half revealed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Coming into summer

Entering the summer solstice. I crossed the Salish Sea today which provides this view of my home island and, today, a glimpse of two dolphins who passed us in a hurry, steaming their way north.

This is the time of year in the north when the light begins to wane. The time of the fullest and brightest days, the fulfilled promise of the winter solstice. For me it's a time of waning fullness, letting myself empty out leading into some time off in the summer and a busy fall. I love the rhythm of waxing and waning, of light and dark, of ordinary time and non-ordinary time. A year divided into two forms of practice.

So I wish you a happy celebration of the fullness of promise, an honoring of the warmth and light, comfort if you need it and relaxation if it helps. And my wish for this six months is for a half year of good practice, putting to good use everything that has been learned in the winter and spring.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Island time

On Bowen when it closes is the right time.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Welcome to Junuary


Every year the heat and sunny promise of May turns to cool rain in June. This year is no different. We call it "Junuary."