Thursday, June 12, 2003

This song I have been singing for a long time now. I use it as a lullaby to put my son to sleep and I sing it to myself on the ferry or when I need to anchor myself in the beauty of this place:

All The Diamonds

Bruce Cockburn

All the diamonds in this world

That mean anything to me

Are conjured up by wind and sunlight

Sparkling on the sea

I ran aground in a harbour town

Lost the taste for being free

Thank God He sent some gull-chased ship

To carry me to sea

Two thousand years and half a world away

Dying trees still grow greener when you pray

Silver scales flash bright and fade

In reeds along the shore

Like a pearl in sea of liquid jade

His ship comes shining

Like a crystal swan in a sky of suns

His ship comes shining.

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